Local Selling Tips

The saying goes “the house we are selling is not the house we live in.”  The family photos on the wall, the sports jersey hanging in the living room, the bed that goes unmade all day because let's face it,  we are going to climb right back in there in the next 12 to 18 hours anyway. And who doesn’t love that set of bowling trophies on your dressor that you started collecting in 1984. The answer is: buyers.

The Maranto Brothers are in the businees to sell your house.  That  baseball glove and bat proudly displayed in the living room may bring good luck  when the Cubs play, but it's unlikely to be a major hit with the buyers. However, you may be able to sell that bat on ebay.  Items can be distracting to buyers and clutter is a killer.  Removing bulky furniture from small spaces can help bring out the base boards and give the illusion of more space so buyers can begin to imagine their furniture in the house.  Free up counter space by removing clutter and those rarely used appliances.  Not everyone wants to see those huge coffee making thing-a-ma-jiggers. 

Call us and let us sale your house.

-Adrian & Judd Maranto